Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, George!

No, not THAT George. THAT George is on a plane to Texas. Thank goodness.

Happy Birthday, George Burns.

Born Nathan Birnbaum on January 20, 1896
Died March 9, 1996
(Lived 100 years)

I began my fascination with George Burns when I was about 22 years old, an odd time in someone's life to become infatuated with a man in his mid 90s.

I was visiting my mother's house and she always had a very eclectic book collection. She lent me Gracie: A Love Story and I was hooked from the very first sentence. Throughout my literary journey with George, I learned all about Jack Benny, Gracie Allen, the Marx Brothers and others who were the stars of vaudeville before making the switch to radio, then television and movies.
George had an amazing life. He had a beautiful wife who was part of his life and his "act" for 38 years. In his later years, he was often seen with beautiful young women, but he never remarried. He knew that Gracie was the love of his life.
When George passed away in 1996, I was heartbroken. I kept the newspaper articles and keep them with my George Burns action figure and autographed books. It was the end of an era when he passed away. He was a good husband, a brilliant comedian, and he was God. Not a bad gig, if you can get it.

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